Applicatin of High Voltage Pulse Electric Field Field in Food Industries
Microbes are found in very considerable niche of human emironment. A number of techniques are available to get microbes free liquid food and water, for instance, heat treatment,autoclaving, pasteurization, radiation and ultrasonic and sonic wave treatment, but these techniques are limited by many factors and thus are not able to give the results as desired.The present paper is based on high voltage pulsed electric field treatment where the contaminated liquid food and water are subjected to impulse wave of 1.2/50 gs to keep in parallel plate static treatment chamber. The field intensity was varied from 0 to 250 KV/cm and the number of pulses were varied from 0 to 100.the survival ratio of all kinds of microbes was significantly low at the peak voltage of 160kv and n=100 pulses. Since the resistance of different kinds of bacteria vary depending on the shape, size and the genetic makeup. This experiment was designed to check the survival ratio of five kinds of bacteria namely Escherichia coli, E.aerogenes, S.aureus, Listeria monocytogenes and Acetobacier inoculated in nutrient broth.Complete inactivation of E.coli was observed at 40kv.
Rajeev Prasad Gupta