Design and Implementation of Automatic Fire Sensing and Fire Extinguishing Robot using IoT
Fire incident is a disaster that results in the loss of life, damage to the property and endless disaster to the victim. Fire extinguishing is an exceptionally unsafe undertaking and it might likewise include death risk.
Robotics is the answer to ensure the safeguarding of the surroundings and also the life of firefighters. Fire sensing and extinguishing robot is a model which can be used in extinguishing the fire with minimum human intervention. There is a threat to the life of the fire fighters in extinguishing the fire and there are some difficult areas where they cannot reach like that in the tunnels. At similar kind of places this automatic robot is veritably useful to perform the task. This robot can be controlled remotely by mobile phone using Bluetooth module. The robot is equipped with the flame sensors that automatically detects the fire and gives the further signal to the extinguisher units to start the pump and extinguish the fire by spraying water. Arduino uno is used as the microcontroller to operate the whole operation. The proposed robot has been used for various trials and proper evaluation has been done to check the proper functioning and to get the desired result.
Aalok Kumar, Piyush Singh, Akansha, Abhay Kumar Singh, Shikher Saxena, Dhananjay Singh, Anshuman Singh, Pavan Kumar Shukla, Vinod M. Kapse