Content Based Image Retrival Thro-ugh Features Like Color ,Texture and Shape
As an Internet Network and with the ongoing development of multimedia technology is desired a process, that successful retrieval to images from large-scale image collections with comprehensive result. Yet, it is a problem in the field of multimedia digital libraries. The user are not satisfied with the traditional information retrieval techniques, because the use of textual description to represent and query images may provide poor result, due to subjectivity of descriptions. In context to find an image effici-ently and effectively from large image collec-tions by using special important low level visual features are likes color, texture and shape of an image. We know, Image has to be represented with certain important visual features are likes color, texture and shape. In this paper, I propose an efficient and effective image retrieval technique, which is Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) that uses dynamic dominant color, texture and shape features of an image.
B.Narasingh Patro