VHDL Implementation of Interleavers : Fundamental and Recent Developments for Wimax and Wlan
In this age of wireless communication, WLAN and WiMaxare the most common IEEE standards used for wireless. The con-cept of OFDM is used in these standards to obtain a high data rate in addition to reducing the effects like inter symbol inter-ference and inter channel interference. It has proved to be the air interface for the next generation Broadband Wire-less System. FEC is a widely used technique to reduce the error In-terleaver is an imponant and powerful technique to combat a burst of errors for FEC coded signal. In this paper, different inter-leaver schemes which are implemented using VHDL on FPGA platform with all code rates and modulation schemes have been reviewed in relation to their fundamental application and challenges.
Deepak Bhardwaj , S P Singh , VK Pandey