Routing Protocol in Mobile Network : A Review
MANETs can manage dynamic infrastructure and can stay active rapid changes in the network topology. The one of the key challenges in deploying Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks is routing with scalable and robustness. The objective of this paper is to create of the different mobile ad-hoc routing protocols, and to survey and compare representative examples for every classification of protocols. In this paper we compared three types of routing protocols i.e. pro-active, reactive and hybrid. In order to operate the Ad-hoc Networks as efficiently as possible, appropriate on-demand routing protocols have to be incorporated, to find best effective routes between source to destination. In this paper we provide an overview of a wide range of the existing routing protocols with focused on their characteristics and functionality. This paper focus on the survey of re-active (on-demand), proactive (table-driven) and hybrid routing protocols like AODV, DSDV and ZRP. Further this paper will help the researchers to get an overview of the existing protocols and suggest which protocols may perform better with respect to varying network scenarios.
Neelam, Pankaj Kumar, Atul Gupta