Study on an Emotion Based Music Player
Recent research shows that humans respond to music and that music has a significant impact on brain activity. Every day, the average person listens to up to four hours of music. People usually listen to music that matches their mood and interests. This project focuses on developing an application that uses facial expressions to propose songs based on the user’s mood. Nonverbal communication takes the form of a facial expression. The Emotion-based music player project is a revolutionary concept that allows users to automatically play songs based on their feelings. It recognises the user’s facial expressions and plays music that matches their mood. Computer vision is an interdisciplinary tool that allows computers to
analyse digital images or movies at a high level. The computer vision components of this system employ facial expressions to assess the user’s emotion. When an emotion is recognised, the system offers a playlist for that emotion, saving the user time from having to manually select and play songs.
Babloo Mishra, Aryan Kumar Jain, Ashish Kumar Gupta , Ashu Kumar Sharma,
Megha Gupta